Hey! My name is Ibrahim Braimah, I'm the Director and Founder of Rowbridge Estates. We are actually based in London, England.
At our core, Rowbridge Estates is a bespoke Property portfolio growth Strategist. We offer (almost) the same services as pretty much every other Property Investment Agency out there, they are a Dime-a-Dozen to be honest!
Whilst setting off, we knew we had to have a unique identifier if we were going to create the value and impact that we desired , something that set us apart from everyone else.
So we thought a little bit outside the box.
While everyone was coming in with the standard offering of hounding down potential clients that showed an interest in their properties, and trying to shoe horn them into a property they have on their books (whether it matched the clients strategy or not) we started to come in from left-field with a COMPLETE NO-BRAINER OFFER. It literally eradicated the amount of time our clients would normally spend trying to make sense of all these spam emails they were receiving whilst at the same time saving them Thousands of pounds.
By constructing this offer and service, our clients started to see results fast. The unique service we offered performed so well, that many of our clients said they would have been happy to DOUBLE OUR FEE, If they knew what the end result would be, such is the GREAT RELATIONSHIP we develop with our Clients.
Learn step-by-step, exactly how we generated £60,000 in equity for our client in just 8 months by watching our live case study now.
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